Hiebing Promotional Video Mailer Card

Hiebing has been in the marketing and advertising industry since 1981. The company is a hundred percent employee-owned and is entirely independent. They handle marketing strategy, insight research, digital development, PR, advertising, social media and content, among others. Hiebing is using bigDAWGS’ Video Greeting Cards to promote the services offered by the company. To find out more on how Hiebing can help your business, visit hiebing.com now!

Hiebing 2.0

Restoration House Ministries (RHM) Video Greeting Card

Restoration House Ministries or simply called as RHM has been planting new churches throughout New England since 1996. Aside from their church planting program, they also offer internships and resident ministry programs for churches in the region. RHM is using bigDAWGS’ Video Greeting Cards to highlight the success of both their programs over the years. To help transform the spiritual landscape of New England, visit rhmnewengland.org now!

RHM New England

Two Labs Pharma Services Custom LCD Video Mailer

Two Labs Pharma Services is a pharmaceutical consulting company that has been in the industry since 2003. They have handled 140 product launches and 60 post-launch product management to hundreds of pharma manufacturers around the globe. Two Labs is using bigDAWGS’ Video Greeting Cards to promote the top-level commercialization process offered by the company. To find out more on how Two Labs can help your product or your business, visit twolabs.com now!

Two Labs Pharma Services

Furniture First Custom Video Brochure Card

Furniture First has been in the retail industry since 1994. Started as a small group of independent furniture retailers, they have now grown into an organization of 228 members with 518 store locations in over 47 states in the United States. Furniture First is using bigDAWGS’ Video Greeting Cards to invite furniture dealers to become a Furniture First member. To learn more about the member benefits, discounts, and rebates, visit furniturefirst.coop/join/ now!

Furniture First

Cape Christian (Serve Day) LCD Video Invitation Card

Cape Christian is a contemporary, non-denominational religious institution built in 1987 at Cape Coral, Florida. One of the their annual events is Serve Day, where they build projects that will help the community as a whole. Cape Christian is using bigDAWGS’ Video Greeting Cards to invite everyone to be a part of this year’s Serve Day. You can volunteer to join any project or become a sponsor. Visit serve-day.com now to know how!

Serve Day Cape Christian